Women are eating burgers now, what else can they do?

Women are eating burgers now, what else can they do?

Article update: All the women in this study are missing, if you have insight on their whereabouts please contact your local police station.

A recent closed study suggests that women (yeah) are eating burgers now. Scientists are scattering their brains on the walls of the lab trying to figure this one out, “How are they even doing that even?” Says one real certified scientist in the lab. They placed burgers inside the E.S.C. (Enclosed Study Chamber) and monitored them closely for over 47 hours, until they shockingly ate two big juicy burgers! Now that these women are confirmed as to have eaten burgers, the dreadful question looming over the heads of these scientists is: what else can they do? So far we have no solid answers.

There have been have plenty of theories. The conductor of this study has made an intriguing hypothesis that these women will eventually posses the ability to source some tasty burger meal from popular food eating establishments, but only time will tell. Another scientist has proposed, saying “She said yes” – congratulations!

It would appear that we are going to have to wait and see what happens next. The women have since been released from their chamber and have now fully integrated into society once more and are being closely watched for the next 6 months. “The hope is that we may capture them in the act of any more bizarre behavior” said a petrified lab scientist, “Such as: Tearing skin off their bones, destroying the life of someone special, and eating hot grilled cheese sandwich.” This is fascinating stuff, hopefully we’ll have more information within the next few months!