Mission Logs


Hello, we are aliens. Yeah we are okay being called that don’t worry about it.
We came across this photo device on your planet during a pit stop. Our ship needed a rest before we continued our voyage. Thats all we needed to land on your planet for. We might come back when we finish our mission. We cant tell you what it is, that is classified information. We will keep in contact with you humans through this interface.



Hello, It is the aliens again. Ever since we have left your world, we have been taking snapshots of neighboring solar systems with your photo box. It is amusing. We are currently in a distant system from yours and have stopped by a place to regain our energy.
The stuff here is good, you should visit once you have invented the means for interstellar travel. For now, envy us.
Our mission is still in progress, we may again keep you updated if we choose to.



Hello humans. It is us, the aliens. While the crew tried to rest during our autopilot-driven section of our journey, our ship crashed into something that was not detected. We quickly parked onto a nearby asteroid to find the culprit.
This ‘thing’.
It seemed to have been drifting in the middle of space just waiting to get hit. It does not seem hurt. We really do not care. Our ship is now in no condition to fly so we will spend the remainder of our weeks relaxation period fixing the engine. Just great.



Hey, it is the aliens. A few weeks back our ship hit this creature. It took us till now to finally repair our vessel for careful flight. We have this Thing for settings us back so long.
Mission control has deducted us 40 space rep for the delay.
We decided to take this thing in our ship instead of leaving it on the asteroid. When this is all over, we are going to take it back to our planet to put it in prison.



It is the aliens. We are getting closer to our mission site every space minute.
A transmission came in from Mission Control regarding our task. That alien you see on the laser projected hologram is our commander. The Commander likes to yell at us for doing our job well. The contents of the message was tons of it, due in part by the delay of our mission objective.
Oh well. At least it is smooth sailing from here.



It’s the aliens. Bad news. Our ships orifice hatch had opened abruptly while we were in free flight. Hard to say what caused it but everything, including us, was flung out into space.
There she goes.
We are currently suspended our here with no ground. The emergency beacon luckily got thrown out here with us so we are waiting for aid and rescue.
Our communication with Mission control is severed.
We will update you when an update is warranted.



Hello it’s the aliens again. After our ship went all crazy and left us stranded, we had to take a public transportation space shuttle to the next world. Hopefully there we can rent out a ship that would get us to our mission objective site. We do not like the shuttle.
We also probably have to feed This Thing some solid food soon.



Hello it’s the aliens. The public transport was a truly grueling time. After a long trek, we arrived at a spaceship depo to pick up a rental. Look at it down there. It took lots of space credits to afford it (split between the three of us)
Unfortunately the Thing did not carry cash.
Finally we can continue our mission. You could say we are “excited” to again board a ship we can control. More updates to come.
Oh well. At least it is smooth sailing from here.



Hello it’s the aliens, Our rental space ship finished up its maintenance and we’re flying it for the first time. It has some really advanced tech. Not a single wire in sight. We will make do and try to learn while we head towards our endpoint.
And before you ask, “Yes” this Thing is still with us. We still plan to put it in prison for wrecking our first ship, but now that the ship had gone it feels like its prison sentence can be lowered by a few years.
An update will come soon.



Hello Its the Aliens. We have gotten pretty good at flying this high-end ship. So much so that we’ve gotten the attention of some.. boastful company.
Its some Grey’s. As Green aliens, we have found through experience that we do NOT get along.
They challenge us to a space race. It is unwise to participate, due to this ship being a rental and everything. But.. we feel we mustn’t let these Greys flex their supposed superiority.
Its what Mission Control would want.
We accepted. I hope we can fly this thing as well as we think we can. Next time we speak, we shall tell you about our victory.



Before the race began, we received this message via our cell phone:

HELLO Green Copies,
we gained access of that telephonic communicator you carry around to send you this race message.
Youve got a high end ride and you think you own these space ways? Our design and our tech is better, so best of luck to you three shorties and that ugly thing you got with you.