Weather Theory

Weather is the cause of outside planets, never our own.

It has been proven that our own planet (Earth) cannot generate such things like rain, tornadoes, or tsunamis. Recent radio waves from space now definitively PROVE that it all comes from other planets we haven’t discovered yet, the radio waves that had been detected were coming from another planet, and they were consistent with the kind of radio waves that are emitted by thunderstorms. Finally, now it all makes sense!

Sit outside and look at a cloud. You probably notice its moving? Natural clouds cannot do that. Wind disperses the clouds apart so how does water hold inside it before it rains? It makes no sense and when you fly through a cloud it doesn’t hold you like a body of water would, it’s just air.
What we call ‘Rain clouds’ is not what you think at all, there is a large discrepancy as to how much weather is completely external, though, it’s been mostly agreed upon that 99% of it is, with the exception of lightning – which is thought to be created by light pollution from nearby cities.