Crop Circles

Crop circles, alien made, or just a hoax?

A mystery that has boggled many minds over the years, where do crop circles come from? The most logical theory is that aliens visit our planet in the dead of night to make them, perhaps as paid art commissions? If so, I hope these space travelers get well paid for their immense talent, I can barely even draw a stick figure so these pieces of work truly impress me.

There are a number of other theories about the origins of crop circles. Some people believe that they could be created by natural forces, such as drunk drivers or cows. Others believe that they are created by humans as a cruel sick sadistic joke. However, there are some crop circles that are so complex and intricate that it is hard to believe that they could have been created by humans. In 2001, a crop circle appeared in an English field that was made up of 5 trillion circles. The circles were arranged in such a complex pattern that it resembled a spiral galaxy, so you can see why it’s hard to imagine how humans could have created such a complex pattern in the middle of a field overnight. The most likely explanation for crop circles is that they are created by aliens and even possibly: for aliens.

So, what is the real explanation for crop circles? Is it aliens? Humans? Natural forces? Truth is, nobody knows really, but soon we might have an answer. I am going to be stealing the crop circle work from these aliens and not crediting them – as any artist should know, this is aggravating to see and usually results in either the artist requesting credit or outright removal and/or compensation for the work stolen. So we’ll see how this one works out!

In the meantime, I’m going to keep practicing my stick figures. Maybe one day I’ll be able to create a crop circle that will rival the work of those alien artists.