Man golfs perfect game before his life is forever changed

Man golfs perfect game before his life is forever changed

Local golfer and father, 57, is a professional golfer and father. He’s been golfing and fathering for almost 30 agonizing years, he began golfing when his first son was born with no real eyes. To take his mind off this super tragedy, he took up the sport and started to take fondly to it! Every Tuesday he would pick up his clubs and race his racing golf-cart to the latest courses and give them a whirl, he would even bring his defective son to the courses and let him have a few swings before going back to being the spare golf ball. When asked about why he loved golf so dearly, he started to said

“I enjoy golf, because if I did I would love it!”

He has won several major golfing prizes, such as the coveted ‘Super Golf World Cup’. So needless to say, he’s had quite the golfing hobby, and recently his third wife begun her admiration towards his many achievements, and son. To be this golfer, is to be living a golf dream.

Last Tuesday evening, he was finishing up his final golf hole of the day with his destroyed son and hopeful wife. He golfed and scored an absolutely disgusting hole in one in front of his wife’s innocent gleaming eyes (Editorial Opinion: Let’s be honest, that old hag has probably been in the dirt a few times), when suddenly he was taken aback by a strange sound producing from the inside of his vein-head. He hadn’t realized that his wide club swing had destroyed the bones in his arms and had caused critical damage to his pride. Before he was able to process this critical damage to his perfect form — the crowd irrupted into cheers and lifted him above their heads and threw him up into the sky, altering his condition from bad, to irreversible. Now, this golfer sadly lies in the ground, under the last hole he golfed. His family reportedly mourned and grieved him for at least 2 weeks before completely moving on. It goes to show you should never swing too hard or you might be a goner.