Crack helped me put my life back together. Here’s how it can help you

Crack helped me put my life back together. Here’s how it can help you

“I wasn’t never actually nothing,”

Big pharma says in an interview when asked about crack therapy. If you
don’t understand, what he is trying to say is that crack is making him become something.
big pharma, a man of this age, is a crack guru. Upon first inspection, one may come to the conclusion that
big pharma is just your generic modern day Aristotle; However, As one delves deeper into his teachings,
they will find that he is actually more of a Voltaire really. As a post-meta abolitionist, big pharma
asserts that in order to find happiness, one must smoke crack all of the time. This really resonate
with me as I think it’s true.

“Crack give me the tinglies,”

Big pharma claims. I think I agree. Before I do crack I never be even
feeling nothing. After I do it, I feel good. According to me, in order to live a happy life
you must be happy always. I think crack do that for me. Every time I don’t do crack, my life is a
mess. Before crack, I was living with my boyfriend who was nice, but kind of dry and boring. He
bring me things but never have anything for me to smoke. One day I get crack, and suddenly all the
puzzle pieces weld together: I LOVE CRACK!!! My life has meaning now.

What my experiences and studies have taught me is that life is nothing without crack. So how can you
apply this to your life? Well, think about what you want most. Replace it with crack. Who do you love
most? Replace them with crack. Replace everything with crack. You want crack. You love crack.
You need crack. You want it? You want it!